TRCKR Interview
TRCKR Interview
User Interview
Participants: 3
Questions: 20
Date: w/c 28th April, 2022
Remote or in-person: 2 remote, 1 in-person
Following user a user survey, I conducted three interviews to gain qualitative data on behaviours and habits surrounding health & fitness. Using the results, I created affinity and empathy maps to process the data.
See results below.
The Test Script.
“Hi, my name is Sam and I’ll be taking you through this interview today about health & fitness.
I’m currently building an app to help people improve their health and well-being and the purpose of this chat is to get a better idea of how people look after themselves and how it could be improved for people with busy lives!
I’ve prepared some questions to ask you. The whole process should last less than 30 mins.
Just to let you know, this isn’t a test and I want to encourage you to be as open and honest about your experiences as possible! If anything relevant comes to mind, please don’t hesitate to include it.
Before we start, I’d like to check that it’s OK that I record the audio of our chat? OK? Thanks, that’s great.
Right, lets get started…”
The Questions.
1. What’s your name and age?
2. Are you a student or a professional? How would you describe your work or your study?
3. What do you do at the moment to stay fit and healthy?
Experience using health & fitness apps:
4. Have you ever used a health and fitness app before? If so, which ones and what made you choose these particular apps?
5. Was there anything you particularly enjoyed about using an app to help with health and fitness?
6. Tell me about the time you had a frustration when using one of these apps.
7. Were there any features you found to be useful when using an app in this domain? Why were they important to you?
8. Tell me about a time you used an app to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.
9. Tell me a little bit more about where you use health and fitness apps.
General Health & Fitness:
10. In your experience, what’s the best way to stay fit and healthy?
11. Have you ever had difficulty achieving your health and fitness goals?
12. Aside from medical advice, have you ever sort out an expert’s insight on health and fitness?
13. How important is nutrition to you in your day to day life?
14. In a few words, how would you describe your relationship with food and nutrition?
15. Do you feel like you’ve ever struggled to maintain a healthy diet?
16. If so, tell me about a time in your life when you felt like you were eating especially unhealthily.
Mindfulness and Meditation:
17. How do you stay informed about nutrition and healthy eating?
18. What do you think about meditation and mindfulness?
19. In your experience, what’re are the main benefits, if any, of meditation and mindfulness?
20. If you had to describe your relationship to health and fitness in three words, what would you say?
The Results.
I gathered my results by behaviour, attitude, and frustrations. I also made a note of useful quotes and goals.
Affinity Mapping.
Affinity mapping my results allowed me to track and explore common trends amongst interviewees. I used general grouping themes such as workouts, social exercising, nutrition, mental health and life integration.
Empathy Mapping.
Empathy Mapping encouraged a new perspective on the same set of results.